Senin, 04 Juli 2016

My Name Is Flower

People call me Flower, yes because I grow as a bigbeautiful girl in my small village. Only that name that I couldhave. I haven oparent, no Mother, NoFather, noot her sorev ensiblingswhoknowwho I am. Don’taskmewithwhom I live, I amoneandonly.  Thisis a smallvillage, a village in Germany. I don’twantpeoplegive a pitytome. None ofthemcandoit. I liveandlifewith a bad condition. Whern I was a 5 years, a familycalled Parker familybroughtmetotheirhomefromthesocialhouse. I rememberedit. They saidtothestafftocaremeandlovemeliketheirownchild. Becausetheydon’thave a child. Everything wasgoingtobewell as I wished. They lovemeandcareme. Butanunexpectedlymomenttookthemfromme. They got accidentafterwentfromtheiroffice. Bothofthem. Itwassostrangeforme, when I was 10. Itwas not fair, saidmetothegod. After thatmoment a newlife had changed. Noonewantedtakemehome, wantedcareme. Butformeitwasokay. My parent, I meant real parent, evenmy real momthrowedmeuptothesocialhouse. A placeforthemwhocannotacceptabletoparent’slife. At least I got itfromthestaff. Walkingalone, eatingalone, andlive in thestreets. Like streetboys. I got foodfromthetrash, a bin, orfrompeoplewhokindlygiving a food. When I was 12 I couldwork. I coulddosomelittleworkthat not allchilddidlikeme. You know I did? I was a secondhanddealer. The things in thestreetthat I found I collectthem. Sellitthebighouse. Andgetthemoney. In thetime, I found Patrick star, he is a niceboy. We live in thestreet. He prays as muslim, weworktogether. We domanythingstogether. 8 yearsbeen a greatdays. I got mymoneyfrom 1 cen, 2 euros, big, andevenbig. You knowthatafterthattimehowmuchmoney I had have? 1000 euros? Sowhatdoyouthinkbythismoney? Eating? By house? Buy a newcar? Or buyanythingthatmakeyoufun. No, itwas not me. I buy a land, andbuild a smallplacenamedcafe. I loveeating. So I couldtastewhichgoodfood, whichis not. I onlysell a bread. Nothingspecial in smallvillage in Germany. Butsobeliev? Peoplelovemybread, I becomerich. Thismomentdoes not makemindblind, I knowwho I wasbefore. My 50 percentofmymoneyisservedforstreetboys. You stillremembered Patrick? He ismyhusbandnow. We livetogether. Love eachother.